Sports Medicine
At Saginaw Valley Equine Clinic, we utilize our years of experience and the latest technologies to accurately identify, treat, rehabilitate and prevent injuries associated with athletic activities of the performance horse.
Performance horse medicine – or equine sports medicine – includes all types of diagnoses and treatments related to your equine athlete. At Saginaw Valley Equine Clinic, we utilize our years of experience and the latest technologies to accurately identify, treat, rehabilitate and prevent injuries associated with athletic activities of the performance horse, including any lameness issues or performance problems. The use of our mobile digital x-ray and ultrasound and thorough lameness exams at your horse show or competition enable us to quickly diagnose and begin therapy for your horse.
We provide high-quality problem-solving and pain relief to the equine community. We work with you to identify the underlying problems affecting your horse’s condition and performance and help you develop and implement a strategy to get him sound and keep him that way. We offer in-depth evaluations to determine respiratory, cardiac, musculoskeletal and metabolic causes of poor performance or exercise intolerance. Our performance horse medicine treatments include chiropractic, acupuncture, conditioning and nutritional analysis, plus traditional veterinary medicine to offer a full array of diagnostic and therapeutic options for your horse.

At Saginaw Valley Equine Clinic, we provide evaluations for all your horse’s needs, including pre-purchase exams, lameness exams, and performance horse comprehensive exams. Preventive medicine and routine patient care, including gastroscopy to detect ulcers, are also among our routine evaluations.