Clinic Events

Research in Review
The annual SVEC Research in Review is back! Our veterinarians will be presenting recent equine research where you can be involved in the discussion. Questions and audience interaction are encouraged! Here at SVEC we believe that staying educated with the most up-to-date research is an absolute necessity! We can’t wait to share it with you!
Dr. Cumper
Ultrasound assisted injection of the middle hock joint (good for fusing hocks)
Noltrex (silicone) joint injections vs. traditional HA/Cortisone
IV Tildren for joint disease management
Dr. Nebergall
Serum Amyloid A (SAA) Levels in Pregnant Mares with Placentitis
Relationship Between PPID (Cushings) and Reproductive Performance in Thoroughbred Broodmares
Clinical Observations After Infusing PRP Prior to Breeding with Frozen Semen
Dr. Liz Routh
Crooked Tails and Correlated Lameness
A Vaccine For Itchy Horses
Fecal Transplant in Horses with Diarrhea
Dr. Aceto
Latest research in Colic and pain management
The pharmacokinetics of a fentanyl matrix patch applied at three different anatomical locations in horses. The use of fentanyl patches in horses and efficacy depending on location of placement.
The effects of bit chewing on borborygmi, duodenal motility and gastrointestinal transit time in clinically normal horses.
Lack of association between barometric pressure and incidence of colic in equine ambulatory practice.
RSVP through the Facebook event! Space is limited!
Hors d’oeuvres and drinks will also be provided. This event is free to attend!
Ultrasound assisted injection of the middle hock joint (good for fusing hocks)
Noltrex (silicone) joint injections vs. traditional HA/Cortisone
IV Tildren for joint disease management
Serum Amyloid A (SAA) Levels in Pregnant Mares with Placentitis
Relationship Between PPID (Cushings) and Reproductive Performance in Thoroughbred Broodmares
Clinical Observations After Infusing PRP Prior to Breeding with Frozen Semen
Crooked Tails and Correlated Lameness
A Vaccine For Itchy Horses
Fecal Transplant in Horses with Diarrhea
The pharmacokinetics of a fentanyl matrix patch applied at three different anatomical locations in horses. The use of fentanyl patches in horses and efficacy depending on location of placement.
The effects of bit chewing on borborygmi, duodenal motility and gastrointestinal transit time in clinically normal horses.
Lack of association between barometric pressure and incidence of colic in equine ambulatory practice.
The annual SVEC Research in Review is back! Our veterinarians will be presenting recent equine research where you can be involved in the discussion. Questions and audience interaction are encouraged! Here at SVEC we believe that staying educated with the most up-to-date research is an absolute necessity! We can’t wait to share it with you!
Dr. Cumper
Ultrasound assisted injection of the middle hock joint (good for fusing hocks)
Noltrex (silicone) joint injections vs. traditional HA/Cortisone
IV Tildren for joint disease management
Dr. Nebergall
Serum Amyloid A (SAA) Levels in Pregnant Mares with Placentitis
Relationship Between PPID (Cushings) and Reproductive Performance in Thoroughbred Broodmares
Clinical Observations After Infusing PRP Prior to Breeding with Frozen Semen
Dr. Liz Routh
Crooked Tails and Correlated Lameness
A Vaccine For Itchy Horses
Fecal Transplant in Horses with Diarrhea
Dr. Aceto
Latest research in Colic and pain management
The pharmacokinetics of a fentanyl matrix patch applied at three different anatomical locations in horses. The use of fentanyl patches in horses and efficacy depending on location of placement.
The effects of bit chewing on borborygmi, duodenal motility and gastrointestinal transit time in clinically normal horses.
Lack of association between barometric pressure and incidence of colic in equine ambulatory practice.
RSVP through the Facebook event! Space is limited!
Hors d’oeuvres and drinks will also be provided. This event is free to attend!
Ultrasound assisted injection of the middle hock joint (good for fusing hocks)
Noltrex (silicone) joint injections vs. traditional HA/Cortisone
IV Tildren for joint disease management
Serum Amyloid A (SAA) Levels in Pregnant Mares with Placentitis
Relationship Between PPID (Cushings) and Reproductive Performance in Thoroughbred Broodmares
Clinical Observations After Infusing PRP Prior to Breeding with Frozen Semen
Crooked Tails and Correlated Lameness
A Vaccine For Itchy Horses
Fecal Transplant in Horses with Diarrhea
The pharmacokinetics of a fentanyl matrix patch applied at three different anatomical locations in horses. The use of fentanyl patches in horses and efficacy depending on location of placement.
The effects of bit chewing on borborygmi, duodenal motility and gastrointestinal transit time in clinically normal horses.
Lack of association between barometric pressure and incidence of colic in equine ambulatory practice.

Interactive Equine Educational Seminar
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The SVEC Interactive Equine Educational Seminar is back! We are excited to offer an exceptional line up of fun and exciting learning stations here at the clinic on January 29th. As always, this event is free to attend and will be happening from 9:00 to 1:00!
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We will be having a taco bar fundraiser at noon to help benefit the Exceptional Horseback Riders of Saginaw County.
Tickets for tacos will be available at the event or at the clinic ahead of time. Any donation will be accepted!
Dr. Liz – Signs of a Healthy, Happy Horse
Dr. Scott – Equine Dental Health
Dr. Melissa – Equine Gut Health
Marley – The Ins And Outs of Prepping for Surgery
Tina Bennett – EHRSC: Who we are and what we do!
Jeremy Yarger – Saddle Fitting 101
Ashley and Carlee – Fun and Games

Dr. Scott – Equine Dental Health
Dr. Melissa – Equine Gut Health
Marley – The Ins And Outs of Prepping for Surgery
Tina Bennett – EHRSC: Who we are and what we do!
Jeremy Yarger – Saddle Fitting 101
Ashley and Carlee – Fun and Games
???? ??? ????!
The SVEC Interactive Equine Educational Seminar is back! We are excited to offer an exceptional line up of fun and exciting learning stations here at the clinic on January 29th. As always, this event is free to attend and will be happening from 9:00 to 1:00!
??? ???? ????!
We will be having a taco bar fundraiser at noon to help benefit the Exceptional Horseback Riders of Saginaw County.
Tickets for tacos will be available at the event or at the clinic ahead of time. Any donation will be accepted!
Dr. Liz – Signs of a Healthy, Happy Horse
Dr. Scott – Equine Dental Health
Dr. Melissa – Equine Gut Health
Marley – The Ins And Outs of Prepping for Surgery
Tina Bennett – EHRSC: Who we are and what we do!
Jeremy Yarger – Saddle Fitting 101
Ashley and Carlee – Fun and Games

Dr. Scott – Equine Dental Health
Dr. Melissa – Equine Gut Health
Marley – The Ins And Outs of Prepping for Surgery
Tina Bennett – EHRSC: Who we are and what we do!
Jeremy Yarger – Saddle Fitting 101
Ashley and Carlee – Fun and Games

Equine Education Expo & Gather To Give
Date: November 20, 2021
Time: Saturday, 10-3
The SVEC Farm Services team is excited to announce the seminars you have all been waiting for are back! Plan on hanging out at SVEC on November 20th from 10 to 3 for fun, food, shopping and of course learning! We have an awesome lineup of vendors and speakers so brace yourselves, it’s going to be a great day!
Schedule of Events
How to Donate
- Drop donations off at SVEC in the front office. The kick off is the Equine Expo, but we will be taking donations until 12/10/21.
- Give us a call from the parking lot and we can come out to get them.
- Ship donations directly to SVEC. Our shipping address is 7319 Tittabawassee Road, Saginaw, MI 48603.
- Tell your friends.
- Share our Facebook post and help spread the word.
What to Donate

2nd Annual Gather To Give
Dates: November 3, 2020 – December 10, 2020
Time: Monday through Friday, 8-5
In 2019 we started Gather To Give. It was awesome to see the outpouring of love and support for those in our community. We are asking for your help again! We want to fill the front office with donations for Amazing Grace Animal Rescue and Underground Railroad, Inc. Donations will be accepted now through December 10th!
How to Donate
- Drop donations off at SVEC in the front office.
- Give us a call from the parking lot and we can come out to get them.
- Ship donations directly to SVEC. Our shipping address is 7319 Tittabawassee Road, Saginaw, MI 48603.
- Tell your friends.
- Share our Facebook post and help spread the word.
What to Donate

2020 Research in Review
Date: February 7, 2020
Time: 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm
SVEC is once again having our annual Research in Review! Our veterinarians will be presenting recent equine research in a “town hall” meeting format where you can be involved in the discussion. This won’t be your typical snooze-fest lecture. Questions and audience interaction are encouraged. Here at SVEC we believe that staying educated with the most up-to-date research is an absolute necessity! We can’t wait to share it with you!
- IUDs – Not Just For Humans
Regumate and it’s Effects on the Immune System
To Blanket or Not to Blanket: Let Your Horse Decide
- A Back Door Approach to Colic Fluid Therapy
Sara Taylor, DVM Intern
- The Recurrence of Hormone-Driven Laminitis in Horses
- The Use of Meloxicam (NSAIDs) Granules in Horses

2020 Interactive Equine Educational Seminar
Date: January 11, 2020
Time: 8:30 am to 12:00 pm
Client Education Seminar
- SVEC Veterinarians, Staff and Tribute
- Breakfast served 8:30 am to 9:00 am. Be sure to visit our vendor tables during this time!
- Interactive Stations and Demonstrations 9:00 am to Noon
- Heated Facility
- Dr. Cumper – How to Tell if Your Horse is Lame
- Dr. Eaton – Foaling
- Dr. Routh – Gastroscopy
- Dr. Taylor – Rehabilitation, Strengthening and Conditioning
- Tracy Mohnke – Tribute – Nutrition
- Marge Neeb – Crafts
- Saginaw Valley Equine Clinic
- 7319 Tittabawassee Road, Saginaw, MI 48603
- Call: 989-790-7339
- E-mail:
Space is limited to the first 250 RSVPs!
We would like to thank our educational partners for their continued support. We aren’t able to put on these events without you!

Gather To Give
Date: December 3, 2019
We will be gathering goods to give to those in need until December 13th. Help us fill our front office with personal hygiene products, new coats, new blankets, non-perishable food, pet food, treats, toys and litter for the Underground Railroad, Inc. and Amazing Grace Animal Rescue. Help us give back to our community!
Donations can be dropped off any time during normal business hours at Saginaw Valley Equine Clinic or Animal Alley Veterinary Hospital. For each item donated you will be entered into our raffle drawing.
We will be having a Christmas Open House December 3rd, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. #GivingTuesday Please stop in to drop off your donations and stay for conversation, hot chocolate and cookies!

Saginaw Valley Equine Clinic presents
Equine Reproduction in a Field Setting
Equine Reproduction in a Field Setting
Date: November 9, 2019
Fluid Therapy for Equine Veterinarians
Please come meet or re-meet your fellow Michigan Equine Veterinarians in a social setting. We aim to promote socializing and networking among equine veterinarians. There will be good food, drinks (alcoholic and non), networking, and a little CE to round out the afternoon. We are looking to make this a yearly or twice-yearly event focusing on topics of interest to equine veterinarians. Interns, residents, 4th year veterinary students, associates, and owners are welcome.
Continuing Education and Social Event for Veterinarians
This course will focus on basic equine mare reproduction and neonatal care. In addition to basic information, topics will be elaborated into more advanced diagnostic and treatment plans for season practitioners. Special emphasis will be placed on the ability to utilized techniques discussed in the field setting.
Program Schedule
12:00 – 1:00 SVEC University: Joint Localization and Arthrocentesis (for interns and veterinary students)
1:00 – 1:30 Lunch
1:30 – 2:30 Cleaning up the Uterus (culture/cytology/LVL/lavage, retained placentas)
2:30 – 3:30 Neonatal Foal Examinations and Field Stabilization
3:30 – 3:45 Coffee Break
3:45 – 4:45 Estrus Suppression
4:45 – 5:30 Q and A Session
5:30 – 6:00 Reception
6:00 Dinner
RSVP to (989) 790-7339 by October 25th